Monday, February 24, 2020

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Personal Statement Example I will be the first to admit that I was not always interested in a career in music. As a child, my activities leaned more towards the child like interests such as roller skating. As a teenager, I loved to take long drives in the countryside with my friends on weekends. But because my mother enrolled me piano lessons as a child, I had no choice but to follow her orders. As I progressed with my piano studies though, I discovered that I was slowly coming to love the art of music, hence the reason why I chose Music as my college major. As an international student, the biggest challenge I have faced would have to be my communication abilities .I am at a disadvantage because I am not a native English speaker. Since we have a number of Chinese students enrolled in my current school, I have come to understand the difficulties of learning a language far removed from ones own. Since translators are not always available and translations do not always work in conveying the original thoughts and emotions of a person. So I am working hard on improving my English skills in order to ensure that that I can overcome this problem that I am facing. As I previously mentioned, there are a number of Chinese students currently enrolled in my school. Being foreign students, they have a great difficulty in communicating with the others in our class and expressing themselves in oral reports. Such experiences send them into isolation because they feel intimidated by our classmates. I have gone out of my way to make friends with the foreign students and help them overcome their language barrier with the others in our class because I know that the time will come when I will be needing the same help from others. So I am paying it forward for now. My goal in life is to complete my college studies in Music and then go on to further training at internationally renowned musical institutions where I can catch the eye or ear of notable names in the music

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Cloning in Animals and Humans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cloning in Animals and Humans - Essay Example It was an achievement for the scientists but a question of ethics and morals for other groups. This clone was considered to be a path of initiation towards the formation of human clones as well (Pence 2004, p 17). Thus, the subject of cloning of humans and animals has been a center of arguments and debates. The cloning of Dolly in the year 1995 became a matter of concern for many groups. The President of the United States, Bill Clinton did not approve of cloning and issued a statement that the government would not invest in this field of cloning. The National Bioethics Advisory Commission put forward a report in the year 1997 in which it strongly prohibited the research for the formation of human clones. Feminist groups argued against this technique and presented the fact that it would be used by people to promote the domination of the society by males. Hence the subject became a matter of global concern (Kass et al 1998 p XV-XVI). Though there was the initiation of many debates by different groups, the success of animal cloning continued and since the year 1998, different animal clones were produced. These included clones of calves, mice, pigs and goats. A goat was cloned in Japan and it was claimed that the goat would be able to generate milk in a much greater quantity. The cloning of mice was also considered to be a success owing to the fact that they are used very often for the process of conducting medical research activities. These breakthroughs of cloning in animals carried great benefits. Japan cloned cattle which would assist in the production of a greater amount of milk and this would fulfill the shortcomings of this industry in the country. Hence animal cloning carried with it major benefits (Pence 2004, p 17-19). In the United States, the utilization of meat and milk from the cloned animals was prohibited as much research on their safety was considered essential before it was permitted for consumpt ion.